Sunday, October 31, 2010

Week 9 - Sales Promotion and Personal Selling

Tiffany & Co. uses many tools for consumer sales promotion. One of the tools the company is using is coupon. Coupons allow customers to purchase exclusive jewelry pieces at discounted prices. Some of the other tools the company is using are complimentary shipping and membership discounts. Tiffany & Co. invented new "Elsa Peretti" designer promotion, using core collection in all stores, and generated record sales. Tiffany also conceived first national program resulting in largest selling event ever. Pioneer "Tiffany-Only" regional lifestyle weekends for Tiffany Register customers resulted to 37% growth in statement jewelry sales. "Tiffany-Only" attractions secure presence of most profitable customers. In oredr to help consumers to make a better decision by purchasing Tiffany jewelry, the company started "What makes a Tiffany Diamond" workshop-selling seminars, demonstrating value with exclusivity.

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