Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 4 - The Marketing Environment

Tiffany & Co. is a name that, throughout its long history, has symbolized luxury. The company targets white-collar adult males and females of all nationalities and religions with a flexible income to spend on luxury jewelry. Many Tiffany & Co. products are purchased to symbolize or mark a period in one's adult life such as engagement, wedding, anniversary or birthday.
Tiffany & Co. currently has more than 150 stores in 17 countries. The United States has 38 stores and is expected to double in the next decade. Throughout the continents, the stores and boutiques are found in upper-class cities. As the annual report states, "....we will only select locations where Tiffany & Co. products are most appreciated and desired.'' The customers that can "appreciate and desire" Tiffany products are upper-class adults seeking luxury. Tiffany shoppers live a life of glitz and glamour. Even the simple Tiffany Blue Box, which contains the purchase, is a symbol of the classic look. Tiffany customers are rewarded with a valuable piece that will last a lifetime.
Also besides distributing products from the stores, Tiffany & Co. engages in direct marketing activities. The company sells products through e-commerce, catalog and business gift sales. 

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